Great Leaders are not born, they are made.,,

on Sunday, February 20, 2011
There is the assumption that leaders are not created, but born. This assumption certainly makes most people think that being a leader is not as easy as I thought. Expertise is needed to become a leader who is acceptable to all segments of society. However, if we examine in more depth, lack of regenaration leader in community groups is caused due to loss of consciousness and ability to convince young people themselves as leaders. Moreover, coupled with a system that always glorify the old to the ground have a better experience, Destroyed hope the younger generation to emerge as a new leadership system. In fact, it is not possible, generation of leadership is dominated by the younger generation has more thoughts from the creative and optimistic thinking of the old. This is of course to divide society into two parts. The pro portion of young people and part of the old pro. Communities that agree with the leadership of young people of course, Hope is a revolutionary policies and policies that better appreciate the small community. Group prefers the old pro based policy by a more experience in government held by the leaders who have been outstanding. However, the gap between the leadership of young and older generations genarasi be separated by looking at the problems being faced by this nation. It is better to look at leadership styles that match and in accordance with the wishes of the community.


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